Launched by beauty industry experts and siblings Elan and Eden Sassoon, Salon Matchmakers is a free service allowing both recruiting salons and those seeking jobs in the industry to find their perfect match online. Owners can attract top talent and increase visibility for their business by promoting their salon or spa to job seekers. Professionals looking for new positions can post pictures of themselves, their work, or even a 30-second video pitch highlighting their skills and experience and placing their personality on display.

“We believe this site offers a unique and mutually beneficial opportunity for both job seekers and recruiting salons to find each other in a way that is simple, efficient, and professional,” says co-founder Elan Sassoon. “ is the first and only site that adds a visual connection: Owners can assess the available talent through photos or videos and prospective employees can visually evaluate participating salons and spas to find their perfect match.”

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