I would like to introduce all of you to Barbara Abeyta, an inspirational nail professional who got tired of thinking she wasn't good enough to charge what she was worth. My hope is that her story will encourage you to raise your prices this October and that if you really need an even bigger push, you might consider her nail retreat. Barbara is not in a fancy metropolitan area on the Coast; she lives and works in the Midwest, while still understanding that her time has value!
The Law of Attraction...in Life...in Business
The Law of Attraction dictates that whatever can be imagined and held in the mind's eye is achievable if you take action.
When I first started my nail career, I thought I had to know and do everything perfectly in order to build a successful business. I was so wrong and struggled big time. I worked 50-60 hours a week to barely make my rent. My days were filled with constant worry about when and where I would find my next client. I took several classes and bought thousands of dollars’ worth of products, believing that they would better my skill, which would lead to a booked calendar. I made sure my prices were lower than the competition because I was not only competing with two other nail technicians in the salon, but also with the thousands of nail techs within the city. I would discount my services when a potential customer would comment on my prices. I constantly compared my work with others and continually put myself down. It was vicious cycle that never seemed to end. On one hand, I was told that if I followed my passion, the money would come, while at the same time I was also told I could never make six figures doing nails. Here I was, caught in the middle of both these thoughts, and began believing the latter.
You see, it wasn’t just my nail business that was suffering. My personal life was also in this vicious cycle of negative thoughts and struggles. So much so, in fact, that I noticed my oldest daughter had begun mimicking what I was saying and doing. She was struggling in school and we were at each other’s throats constantly because of my negative thoughts and beliefs. I was not a positive example for her. I realized at that moment that something different had to be done. I had to be different. I wanted to be a better mother, wife, friend, and businesswoman. I wanted to be that positive example for her and my other children. I started studying the Law of Attraction in 2008. I hired life-success coaches and started taking personal growth classes. I realized that a lot of my thoughts came from situations both in childhood and while growing up that had left me with limited beliefs. I viewed those limited beliefs as stories I created about myself and how others viewed me. Those stories ran on autopilot in all areas of my life.
Since that pivotal moment with my daughter, life has been a long, rewarding journey. I am continually growing, discovering, and learning every day, in every way. Because of my personal growth work, I now have a very successful nail business, making those six figures I was told would never happen. My salon hours average around 30 a week. I am able to teach, coach, travel, and volunteer, and I’ve developed a very close relationship with my children, grandson, and husband.
I now want to take what I have learned and pay it forward by creating Nail Pro Retreats where I bring nail skill, knowledge, and mindset/attitude to the nail industry. I have heard so many nail pros say, “Oh, I can’t increase my prices because of where I live” or “I don’t charge for nail art because customers won’t pay,” or even, “The most successful nail pros live in New York or California.” I want to help change that mindset and give tangible advice on how to become successful both in one's business as well as one’s life.
The Nail Pro Retreat is October 22-23, 2017, in Colorado Springs at The Academy Hotel. The cost is $150, which gives two full days of learning, discovering, and breakout nail sessions.
Register here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/nail-pro-retreat-tickets-37829993529
Website: www.barbaraabeyta.com
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/nailprocoach
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbaraabeyta
Twitter: @NailProCoach
Instagram: nailprocoach