1. Apply a base gel and cure. Apply a border of half ovals around the nail (Artgenic #251). Cure. Apply top coat and cure.
2. Use Artgenic #107 and an art liner brush to draw the outline of a face in the style of Japanese anime. Fill in the eyes with black, but make sure to leave some blank circles to give the eyes a twinkling look.
3. Fill in the Japanese anime face with beige (Artgenic #241) and the hair with a yellow blend (Artgenic #212 and #218). Fill the lips with pink (Artgenic #251). Cure.
4. Add wavy lines to the hair, eyelashes, shadows under the chin, and any other details you wish. Add flower details to the pink border. Cure.
Aki Hirayama, L’Appartment Salon, New York City @aki_newnail.ny
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