OPI has named Teyana Taylor as the brand’s latest ambassador. The singer, actor, and model has also opened a new '90s-inspired salon in her hometown of Harlem. Calling upon her background in music and fashion, Taylor’s new nail salon named after her daughter, Junie Bee, opens in February 2018. The salon will be part of an exclusive partnership with OPI products offering a full range of hand and foot care, as well as the brand’s newest lacquers and products. Junie Bee will open in Taylor’s hometown of Harlem, N.Y. As ambassador, Taylor will continue to showcase standout nail looks on the red carpet, on television shows and films, and via her social channels @teyanataylor.
“We’re thrilled to be partnering with Teyana in what’s sure to be an incredible year ahead for her, starting with the opening of Junie Bee,” says OPI co-founder and brand ambassador Suzi Weiss-Fischmann. “We can’t wait to see Teyana’s salon vision come to life. It will be such a fun and unique space. At OPI we are very inspired by the women in our families. I love that Teyana shares this passion for her daughter and has women in her life that further fuel her creative drive. We can’t wait to follow along with her as she shares about her career, family, and of course nails!”
“I’ve been a fan of OPI for years, and I couldn’t be happier to be partnering with the brand,” explains Taylor. “I’m looking to experiment with my nails and showcase them even more with the new salon and latest OPI products. I’m taking my experience in music and entertainment to give Junie Bee a distinct style. The salon will have a graffiti street art feel, a mix of cool and playful in my hometown of Harlem. I want it to be an experience!”
For more details about the salon, visit @juniebeenails. Follow Teyana Taylor as OPI’s brand ambassador starting February and throughout 2018 on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter @teyanataylor. For more information, please visit OPI.com.
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