Digital marketing is just one of the services offered by Taylor & Pond Corporate Communications. The company helps LeChat strategize their Instagram posting for maximum impact. If you glance at @lechatnails you’ll notice that they have a unique and colorful take on posting. Creative strategists Molly Quinn and Jaclyn Sepulveda discuss their attention-grabbing color blocking approach to Instagram.

NAILS: Why the idea to color code your Instagram feed?
Molly & Jaclyn: Our customers turn to our social media platforms first when seeking nail inspiration, announcements, etc., so we wanted those platforms to not only be informative, but eye-catching and fun. The obvious choice was to showcase LeChat’s wide gamut of colors on our social media platforms through color-blocking. It has turned out to be a beautiful way to encompass LeChat’s color expression and reach our audience.

NAILS: How do you determine the colors and placement?
M&J: In the beginning, we determined the colors based on the most popular polishes and the colors we had the most content for. We were receiving a lot of amazing pink and purple manis the first month of employing this strategy, making these colors a great starting point. Next, we sat down and planned based on upcoming holidays and popular colors in relation to the seasons. An important factor to us was the ability to transition naturally into the next color — we wanted everything to flow nicely through the months.

NAILS: How can a nail tech get featured on LeChat’s Instagram? What are you looking for when choosing photos to post?
M&J: We’ve developed a standard appearance for our Instagram that we look to nail professionals to help continue! We love reposting edgy, crisp manis that have been captured in a high-quality photo. We also look for regrams in which LeChat is the only product being used. Our advice is to keep it simple with plain backgrounds and gorgeous nails.

NAILS: What’s your advice to nail techs who want to apply this strategy to their own Instagram page?
M&J: With a strategy that relies so heavily on timing, it’s crucial that you plan ahead. Be proactive and look into the future. Once organized, color-blocking is a super fun and unique strategy to work with.   


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