Absolutely! My clients have been with me long enough to know that they will be sent home if they arrive sick. I jokingly have threatened to rat them out by name to all my other clients if I catch whatever they have and I have to cancel on everyone! My clients know that if I don’t work, I don’t get paid, and nobody wants to be responsible for that. I always cancel when I’m sick, too. I’ve saved an emergency fund so I don’t feel that financial pressure to drag myself out of a sick bed to work, but I remember times in my youth when I didn’t have that cushion to fall back on, and  I worked with walking pneumonia.
Jill Wright, Jill’s - A Place for Nails, , Bowling Green, Ken.

If a client is feeling under the weather (or I’m contagious) I’m not going to be a happy nail tech, period. Appointments are definitely rescheduled. If I have to reschedule, it creates a bigger inconvenience for both my client and me all because “Boogery Barb” decided she needed a polish change — she can wait. My clients know to call me at the first sign of sniffles, and chances are I can fill their spot. If they show up looking sick and feeling nauseated with a barf bag (yes, this happened), their appointment is cancelled and I’m charging them for their scheduled service.
Sheera Gersh, Addicted to Nails, Tempe, Ariz.

Most clients will reschedule if they are sick. We all have a little congestion or even sniffles from time to time. If this is the case I offer a variety of options to soothe their symptoms, such as hot tea, warm cider, a heated neck pillow, warm mittens/booties, or a cozy throw. It is surprising how healing these things can be. That said, my clientele is good about rescheduling due to illness. I personally have not had to cancel a day due to illness. However, if I were under the weather and feeling contagious I would stay home because I wouldn’t want to pass my illness on to clients. I give my clientele the same respect they give me. Healthy clients are happy clients!
Karla Rochelle, Pampered Hands and Feet, Chicago

If I know I’m contagious or it will interfere with the quality of my service I will definitely rebook my day. I occasionally post on my social media to announce to clients to consider rebooking when they are unwell.  I have also had my sick clients as well as myself wear face masks during services and run air purifier fans and diffuse essential oils during cold and flu season to assist in keeping the germ spread low. I’m also extra diligent with hand washing and using sanitizer on clients.  
Savanna Glazier, SG Foot Care & Aesthetics, , Regina, Saskatchawan, Canada

Next question: What is your favorite service or part of a service to perform and why? [Answers will be printed in the March 2017 issue.] Share your opinion on the topic by e-mailing your response by October 15 to Tracy.Rubert@bobit.com. Please include your name, salon, city and state, and a high-resolution headshot with your response

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