CND recently named Vietnamese-American actress and philanthropist Kieu Chinh as the official brand ambassador for its new Creative Play Nail Lacquer. Best known for her role in the film “The Joy Luck Club,” Kieu Chinh has worked in the motion picture industry for nearly six decades. Following the end of the Vietnam War in 1975, Chinh became a refugee and moved to the United States under the generosity and sponsorship of actress Tippi Hedren, who was also a pioneer of the Vietnamese-American professional nail movement. Hedren ultimately helped Kieu Chinh find success in Hollywood.
Attendees of the I Heart CND event at the Best Lil’ Nail Show in Texas in April enjoyed an opportunity to meet both Kieu Chinh and CND co-founder and style director Jan Arnold. “We are so excited to have the amazingly talented Kieu Chinh join us as our new brand ambassador for Creative Play Nail Lacquer,” says Arnold. “Kieu Chinh represents timeless beauty, philanthropy, and strength.”
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