Young Nails senior mentor Sabella Snyder dreams of one day opening her own studio where she can service her nail clients and paint her personal art. “I’d love to have my studio be very colorful and have my artwork on the walls,” she says. “One day, I’d also love to have my artwork in a gallery so I can incorporate my nails in the show as well. It would be cool to do people’s nails at an art show.” The artist paints and draws at home or at the beach in her spare time. “I’m always creating something,” she says, adding, “I try to go to the beach every once in a while because there’s something so serene about looking and listening to the waves of the ocean. The beach always helps me calm down and relax after a really busy week.” She knew it was perfect when we asked her to create a summer toenail look that we planned on shooting on location at the beach.
Here’s how you can get this month’s cover look:
1. Prep the toenails and apply a thin layer of Caption Base Coat to all 10 toes. It is self-leveling, making the nails smooth for the rest of the application. Apply a coat of Caption in Heaven Help Me as the foundation so the Caption Lucents line will pop. Apply Caption Lucent in Excuse You in different spots to start the layering process.
2. Apply Caption Lucent in Good For Her, slightly overlapping the first color to create a nice purple. Clean up the edges with acetone to remove any access Caption on the skin.
3. Apply Caption Lucent in Note to Self, slightly overlapping the first two colors. This creates a nice bright rainbow effect perfect for summer. Clean up the edges with acetone.
4. After the Caption Lucent colors have dried for a few minutes, get your supplies ready for stamping. You will have to work very fast with stamping since the Caption formula dries so quickly. Put a generous amount of Caption in Rewind. Repeat. on the border of the desired design in a dabbing motion so you get enough polish for the design.
5. Using a card and with firm pressure, spread the chrome color through the design on the stamping plate moving from left to right.
6. Quickly get your stamp and press down firmly in one spot. There is no need to roll the stamp. This way the whole design will be transferred to the stamp.
7. After the design is transferred to the stamp, immediately align it with the nail and put pressure in one spot to transfer the design to the nail. Since the polish dries so fast there’s only a certain gap of time before it won’t transfer. Repeat this process to the rest of the nails cleaning the stamping plate with a cotton swab saturated with acetone and cleaning polish off the actual stamp with the sticky side of Young Nails forms or the sticky side of masking tape so it transfers to the surface. DO NOT use acetone on the stamp because it will deteriorate it and ruin the stamp.
8. The design will dry almost immediately. Clean up any Caption on the skin with a brush or Q- tip saturated with acetone. Apply Caption Top Coat to all 10 toes, capping the edge of the nail. The design will not streak or drag. Wait two minutes and then apply Caption Drying Drops — two drops on the big toes and one drop on the small toes. Caption will be dry to the touch after applying drops to all the toes. After 20 minutes of drying time, it will be completely dry to put shoes on with no mess or smudge.
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