After getting a ton of requests from other nail artists asking where she gets her supplies, nail tech Tashina “Poochie” Green decided to open an online nail art supply shop. Within the first few months of launching the site — dubbed The Nail Art Boutique — Green has sold her carefully sourced supplies, which include spikes, mini-mirrors, and chains, to nail artists in all 50 states. She finds many of her supplies online and occasionally when she’s out shopping. “I search and search and search,” she says. “Some people only use the keyword ‘nail art’ when searching for nail products online, but there are so many other keywords that I use. Anything that is small enough to put on a nail, I can pretty much make happen,” Green says. The venture has effectively turned the den in her home into a mini-warehouse. Green generally works all day at Poochiez Paws Nail Studio in Atlanta, then comes home at night and fulfills orders. Check out The Nail Art Boutique at

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