Some California salons have begun using foot spa liners — disposable plastic liners designed to fit into foot spas or basins — with hopes of avoiding the comprehensive cleaning and disinfecting required after each patron. The California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology doesn’t allow liners to be used in place of performing the required cleaning procedures. Footspas and basins must be properly cleaned and disinfected regardless of whether a liner is used. If inspected, these salons would be cited if it was determined that the proper cleaning and disinfecting procedures were not being followed.

“The topics of foot spa liners and their effectiveness have been debated, but the Board firmly stands by its decision to require the cleaning and disinfecting of foot spas and basins regardless of whether a liner is used,” says Kristy Underwood, executive officer of the California Board of Barbering and Cosmetology.

The top concern about using foot spa liners instead of performing the set cleaning procedures is there’s no way of knowing whether a new liner is actually used after each client. The entry required in a log after every cleaning helps inspectors and consumers know each time a foot spa or basin was cleaned.

Says Underwood, “The Board recognizes its regulations are strict, but reminds licensees that the subject of consumer safety is a complex issue that shouldn’t be taken lightly.”

For further information, visit the Board’s website at

Judy Lessin

Features Editor

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