Tracey Revis has a little sectet that she doesn’t mind sharing with fellow nail technicians. “The key to success in this business is to continually educate yourself so that you’re always abreast on new products and techniques in the nail industry,” she says, adding that it is also really important to love the work you do. While she admits this may not sound like brand-new advice, it is what has made her 17 years as a professional nail technician successful. “On my longest days, I do get tired, but I never get burned out. I am always excited to do nails because each nail bed is different and requires my artistic and professional capabilities to make it look good,” she explains.
Since Revis did her first NAILS cover, coincidentally for the November 1997 issue, she continues to run her own salon, Tracey’s Place in Encino, Calif. Tracey is proud to say that entertainer RuPaul is her latest addition to her celebrity clientele. While working with both TV and movie starts is exciting, she works hard to continue her education and to share what she’s learned with other techs as on OPI educator and school coordinator. Because she currently works alone, Revis relishes the times she’s been able to network with other professionals.
Recently, she spent time trading tips with Tom Bachik (whose work graced our October issue) on the NAILS cover shoot. “Some nail technicians are just as exciting to meet as movie stars,” she says. “I’ll never forget the time I met Rita Horvath at a tradeshow and she showed me and another educator how to shape a tip so that it has an automatic smile line or when Tom Holcomb gave me his phone number because I had some questions about his techniques. I think it is really great when nail technicians take the time to teach each other and elevate our industry to a higher standard.” Revis says that her ultimate goal is to be one of the best nail techs and to share her experiences. Now her secret is out.
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