First, I listen to the reason for the absence. Then, after deciding if the appointment was forgotten or just last in importance, I charge $10 extra for each hour booked by the client. If the reason is traffic or weather, I just reschedule.
Toi Avery
Glamour Salon & Boutique
Southfield, Mich.
At our salon, our clients fill out a client card. We keep this card in their file along with their nail file. The card tells us what type of activities they like to do, what medications they take, and what health problems they have. At the bottom of the card we have written: “Your time of pampering is reserved just for you. If you are unable to keep your appointment, please cancel within six hours of your appointment.” No–shows are charged $18 and we have a $20 charge for returned checks. After filling the card out, clients sign and date it. We have clients who come in and have missed appointments, and they remind us that they owe us money.
Dawn Verci
Acrylic’s & More
Pekin, III.
I first give clients a courtesy call and have them reschedule at the next available appointment. If it becomes an occasional problem, I call the day before and confirm; if it becomes a regular thing, I tell them to call the day they need to be in. I find that having 90% of my clientele on a standing basis makes them more committed. They have a real hard time forgetting that they need to be there every other Tuesday at 9 a.m.
Kristin Dutcher
Pringle Park Plaza Hair Design
Salem, Ore.
Whenever I have a no-show I always call and say, “I have you down for an appointment and I was calling to see if you needed to reschedule for another time.” Usually they just truly forgot the appointment and aren’t forgetful again. I never let no-shows go without an attempt to contact them. In fact, I have gotten some of my most faithful clients by being understanding of their busy schedules. On the other hand, if someone no-shows on me consistently, I’ll refuse to schedule. I make sure to let them know it is disrespectful to me and my other clients who take two seconds to call and let me know that they cannot make it. Sometimes you risk losing clients, but someone dependable will be there to replace them!
Amanda Johnson
Classy Hair & Nails
Flint, Mich.
I always treat clients the way I would like to be treated. I understand that everyone can have a bad day or forget, but if it becomes a habit, I tell them that they will have to pay full price for the appointment they have missed. I had a client who was a real estate agent and would miss many appointments. I explained how I enjoyed her business but could not afford for her to keep missing appointments. Fourteen years later, she’s still my client - and a good friend.
Lori Love
Escape Salon
Bakersfield, Calif.
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