Although most or all states require the majority of cosmetology training hours to be earned in the classroom instead of online, schools are now beginning to incorporate high-tech products and services to help supplement students’ education.

Cosmetology education will likely always take place in a brick and mortar location, as many skills require hands-on training and repeat practice to pass the practical portion of state board exams. But this doesn’t mean that students and instructors still can’t benefit from incorporating technology into the curriculum. The Minnesota School of Cosmetology, for example, is transforming the way cosmetology students learn with the use of the Apple iPad.

“We believe the iPad and its engaging content will improve learning, ignite creativity, and add to the overall effectiveness of the cosmetology teaching and learning processes,” says Jill Hocking, campus director at Minnesota School of Cosmetology Woodbury campus. “We are very excited to move forward with this innovative change.”

Besides helping to reduce the school’s carbon footprint, as it will reduce or eliminate the need for textbooks and paper handouts, the iPad will assist in all areas of student training. Students will be able to  take notes, access  e-books, record videos of procedures taught in class, study for board exams, and access applications that allow them to practice hands-on skills, such as color placement.

“We strive to prepare our students for success in future cosmetology careers,” says Elaine Vandenburgh, campus director at the Minnesota School of Cosmetology Plymouth campus. “The use of iPad technology is going to give our students an edge, putting them at the forefront of the beauty industry and making them more competitive in the workforce.”

Minnesota school of Cosmetology strives to make cosmetology education affordable for every committed student. As such, the iPad is included as part of the cosmetology kit and included in overall tuition costs. The school also offers several scholarships, financial aid, and payment plans.

For more information about Minnesota School of Cosmetology, visit

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