CND is inextricably bound to the fashion world. For the finale of Season 8, our three finalists were asked  to show us a capsule nail collection meant for CND co-founder and style director Jan Arnold, our NTNA head judge.

They were asked to choose 5 nail tips (one hand; ½ set) from EACH of the following sets to include in their finale submission. (These were previous week’s challenges, already created.)

1) CND Couture

2) Back to the Future

3) Fashion Fanatic

4) Harajuku Punk

In addition to their previously created nails, they were asked to make one new set of 10 nail tips (one full set) to round out their NTNA capsule wardrobe using CND products ONLY and embellishments (if desired).

Because the previous sets were made according to different themes, they were given the opportunity to tweak them to form a more cohesive overall collection.

To provide guidance and inspiration for this final set and overall collection, CND co-founder and style director Jan Arnold took the finalists on an exclusive tour of her wardrobe.

Her advice for this challenge was as follows:

One universal theme in my closet is volume and scale, exaggerated sleeve shapes, voluminous skirt volume and asymmetrical lines. I’d love to see the finalists convert their existing designs into something more Avant Garde inspired by the shapes and styles in my closet. The pieces I have don’t match but what they all have in common is humor and flair.”
