Less well-known than the Hollywood Walk of Fame, Tweezerman’s Wall of Fame is impressive nonetheless. One wall in the foyer of the beauty implement manufacturer’s Glen Cove, N.Y., headquarters is given over to letters of gratitude from satisfied celebrity customers including the cast and crew of “Seinfeld” and “The Nanny.” “Friends” star Courteney Cox writes that she has been “using their products forever,” and actress Joan Van Ark claims she will “tweeze herself right into the New Year.” A hand written comment from gossip columnist Liz Smith notes that Elizabeth Taylor once confided her needs for a desert island: tweezers and a jar of Vaseline. Another celebrity tweezer? Look for Barbra Streisand to use Tweezerman’s implements in her recent feature, “The Mirror Has Two Faces.” Unless overzealous editors snip it out, the products should appear in the makeup bag and on the vanity table of Streisand’s character Rose.
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