I have a request. A rather serious one, yet very uncomplicated. Easy to comply with. If you have not already done so, and many of you haven't, hence the need for this request, please take a moment and refer to the questionnaire/survey I published in last month's (May) issue. It needs to be completed and returned. It's a fairly simple survey, one that shouldn't take much of your time, but it is one that is significant. . .
As I mentioned in the introduction to the survey in May, the answers will provide insight and ultimately specific and accurate solutions and remedies that you as the professional nail care technician need to enhance your understanding about every aspect of nail care services. The focus of this survey is specifically about nail health, and the approaches you take to remedy any related problems. With your feedback and honest answers, the professionalism of the nail industry can only benefit.
But only if we get those surveys returned. So you can see how simple and worthwhile my request is , . . hardly unreasonable in the face of the action that you must take. Please, complete the material and return it to the address printed on the form. You will be doing yourself, and your industry, a great service.
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