At November’s Salon Digital Summit, hosted by Modern Salon, Salon Today, and NAILS, Phorest’s Chris Brennan showed salon owners and service providers how to manage how people talk about you and your business. He recommends that salons generate online reviews by asking for them from their top clients. “Craft an email that politely asks them to write a review for the salon on Google, Facebook, or Yelp, and try to incentivize them with something like a sample when they come in for their next visit,” says Brennan. “This shows them it matters to you and you really appreciate it. Don’t ask for five stars; ask for an honest review, but ask your best clients.”
He also recommends approaching clients while they are in the salon. “After a service or treatment, clients are at their highest point of loving you. Keep a tablet at the station that makes it easy for them to log on and leave you a quick review,” he says. “When they do, give them a goody bag or enter them into a raffle for a larger prize.”
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