It costs just as much money to send one piece of paper as it does to send four — so why not gather together like-minded or neighboring businesses to cooperatively mail together?, asks Nanette Miner, co-author of the book, “101 Media and Marketing Tips for Salon Owners, Stylists and Managers.” “Each business — up to four — can have a one-page flier that is inserted into a cooperative mailing envelope for the regular 41-cent first-class postage. If you combine your mailing lists as well, you will be marketing to a much greater audience than your own customer list,” she says. Now, instead of a customer coming to your mall or plaza for one merchant, she can come to visit four merchants. “If there are a number of businesses in your area, you can maintain this technique throughout the year with a rotating list of merchants participating on a regular basis,” says Miner.
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