Conjured in collaboration with Disney, Mooncat’s Nightmare Before Christmas collection features...

Conjured in collaboration with Disney, Mooncat’s Nightmare Before Christmas collection features three ghoulish glow in the dark polishes perfect for your spooky season mani!

Photo: Mooncat

Mooncat’s new Nightmare Before Christmas collection, created in collaboration with Disney, features three glow in the dark polishes, available at $15 each. 

The Nightmare Before Christmas Collection

  • Rag Doll: Become a most terrible vision in blue and let your claws get lost in an enthusiastic cloud of cold blue shimmer. it’s a glimmering facade that merely cloaks the most enchanting nightmare: that under the cover of darkness, this most wretched shade glows greener than worm’s wort soup.
  • My Bugs! My Bugs!: You just found his special brew — a green tincture akin to snake and spider stew. Turn off the lights and lock your claws up real tight, because under the cover of night, this green-yellow critter-like shimmer-filled shade has been said to come unexpectedly aglow with a green wave of moonlight.
  • What A Brilliant Nose: Take your claws for a sleigh ride to remember! In daylight, this ghastly companion coat, chock-full of white things in the air and hot glints of jack-o-lantern-y pink-to-gold shimmer, glimmers like a snowflake in a fiery grip. But come night, it’ll be set literally aglow — with a ghoulish green aura more distracting than the thickest wave of fog juice. The better to light your way! 

How To: For Best Glow-in-the-Dark Results

  1. Give the bottle a shake before applying.
  2. For the brightest glow, apply three coats.
  3. Add a topcoat.
  4. Activate the glow by holding nails under direct light for 30 seconds.
  5. Shut off the lights and prepare to fright!

For more information on this collection and other Mooncat products, please visit

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