1. Paint two coats of JL Lacquer Shadow.
2. With a short detail brush, paint brown and green lines for stems before adding leaves and bulbs.
3. Use a dotting tool to make a cluster of dots to create flowers. To add dimension, use a short detail brush to outline petals, drawing curved lines in shades that are darker and lighter than the flower.
4. Add Halloween extras like a pumpkin, spider, bat, ghost, and candy corn to the bouquet. Dot eyes on the spider and ghost.
5. Collect a small amount of black nail polish on the tip of a medium-length detail brush so lines look stringy. Begin at the midpoint on the right side of the nail and paint lines radiating out to the left side. Paint scalloped shapes to connect the lines together, forming a web. Finish with OPI top coat.
Stephanie Lee, Irvine, Calif. @jeealee
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