1. Apply two coats of Heroine NYC White Noise polish and let it dry. Next, take a bright orange, such as Floss Gloss Neon Nacho, and paint one coat on the lower half of the nail.
2. Where the orange and white meet, use a tiny nail art brush to make small upward strokes with Floss Gloss Black Holy. The lines can be messy and should be dragged to different lengths. Make sure to clean your brush periodically to ensure you don’t get too much dried product built up on the brush.
3. Repeat step two using downward strokes to create the same effect going in the opposite direction. Fill in any holes that run along the intersection of the lines so no orange or white is peeking through at the seam.
4. With the same brush, use China Glaze Toast It Up to make a pattern of very small vertical lines in the middle of the black. Make sure not to drag the lines over the black. Finish with a high-gloss, quick-dry top coat.
Courtney Wetmore, Boston @courtdoespolish
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