Although you will want to tailor your foot massage to the needs and wants of each client, you can use this procedure found in Milady’s Standard: Nail Technology as a foundation for the service. Our thanks to Thomson Delmar Learning for the step-by-step photos and instructions.
These techniques and directions apply to a massage of the left foot.
Begin with a relaxer movement to the joints of the feet. Grasp the leg just above the ankle with your left hand to brace the client’s leg and foot. Use your right hand to hold the left foot just beneath the toes and rotate the foot in a circular motion.
Begin effleurage on top of the foot by placing both thumbs on the foot at the instep. Move your thumbs in circular movements in opposite directions down the center of the top of the foot to the toes. Repeat three to five times. Continue with effleurage on the bottom of the foot. Use the same thumb movement starting at the base of the toes and continuing over the ball of the foot to the heel. Repeat three to five times.
Next comes effleurage on the toes. Starting with the little toe, use the thumb on top and index finger on the bottom of the foot. Hold each toe and rotate with the thumb. Start at the base of each toe and work toward the ends. Repeat three to five times.
Starting with the little toe, move each toe in a figure eight. Repeat three to five times.
Make a fist with your fingers, keeping your thumb out. Apply firm pressure with your thumb and move your fist up the heel toward the ball of the foot. Work from the left side of the foot and back down the right side toward the heel.
Place your fingers on top of the foot along the metatarsal bones with your thumb underneath the foot. Knead up and down along each bone by raising your thumb and lower fingers to apply pressure. Repeat three to five times.
Place your left hand on top of the foot and make a fist with your right hand. Your left hand will apply pressure while your right hand twists around the bottom of the foot. The friction and deep rubbing stimulates blood flow. Repeat three to five times.
To do effleurage on the instep, place the finger on the ball of the foot. Move fingers in circular movements in opposite directions. Massage to the end of each toe, gently squeezing the tip of each toe.
Read "Foot Massage as Profitable Add-on" to learn how to incorporate foot massage into your pedicure services.
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