This Financial Advice is Geared to Salon Professionals
This Financial Advice is Geared to Salon Professionals

Industry veteran, Carlos Valenzuela, 75,  has put a lifetime of acquiring financial good sense into the launch of his new program, The Thrifty Cosmetologist, an online program for salon pros. 

The Thrifty Cosmetologist step-by-step lessons teach the reader how to stop living paycheck to paycheck, how to get out from under credit card debt, and build a rainy-day fund. Aside from the down-to-earth and friendly delivery of wealth-building strategies attainable by the reader, the final segment offers a thirty-day challenge of daily activities, that if followed, will teach the learner about basic money management.

 Valenzuela has spent the last forty-six years as an educator, author, hairstylist, salon and school owner. He brought his brand of education of “just facts plus humor and empathy, to audiences worldwide for major beauty brands, plus being with the first hairdressers to visit China in 1979 with Pivot Point International.

He wants his fellow salon professionals to keep more of their hard-earned dollars from working behind the chair, manicuring, giving facials or applying makeup. Carlos believes “Salon professionals can misunderstand making money with building wealth, and without a timely heads up, leave the salon with little to show for a lifetime of salon work. I’ve seen this happen too many times.”

“I am getting ready to take down the shingle,” he adds, “but before I do, I want to plant the seeds of the best results from a salon career. I want the years of standing with arms outstretched to build a secure future, this requires lifestyle changes and basic money smarts.”

For $29 dollars you can purchase an online thirty-page workbook which includes five downloadable easy to watch videos, plus the workbook with selected activities. A strictly audio program is also available for $19.


Carlos Valenzuela

Carlos Valenzuela


Staff Writer


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Originally posted on Modern Salon