We’re wrapping up our series on getting healthy for a better career. We’ve conquered getting a good night’s rest and we now know how sleep can affect our day. We’ve talked about eating healthy and no longer having those sugar high and lows during the day. We’ve begun to realize by seeing it through our own clients that we need to keep moving or we rust. We have decided to make the time and commitment to exercise — now how do you we get started?
As I stated in my last post: “Our career is physically demanding. Our chest, arms, and backs get used and abused. Our chest muscles get tight from the repetition, the constant filing, and massage. Over time, we round our backs and get hunched over. We can develop bad posture and that can change how we sit. When we sit off kilter, it affects our entire body — our neck, back, hips, and legs. The way we sit engages our total body. Now our full body can be hurting and in pain. When our back hurts, we need to develop core strength to support our back. Our arms and shoulders get quite a workout every day too. We’re constantly filing and massaging; that takes muscle.” We need to stretch and take better care of our bodies. If we don’t, we won’t have longevity in this business. Our career can be over before we know it.
My first piece of advice to get started exercising is to find something you like to do. If you’re going to spend time working out, invest in something you enjoy doing. Like Sandy said “I had belly-danced once a week for years, but had not been active other than that for quite a while.” Turn on your radio and dance to your favorite songs. Make believe you are your favorite pop star, rapper, or rock star. Dancing is how Tina Turner says she keeps her great pair of legs.
After finding an activity you love, get a buddy. Working out or walking with someone makes the time fly by. This makes exercise more fun and it eventually no longer feels like a chore. Having a buddy also makes you accountable. When you want to throw in the towel and quit, your buddy will keep you on track and make you stick to the plan.
There are also so many different exercise programs, classes, DVDs, etc. Ask your friends if they have any exercise DVDs you can borrow. Check out your local paper, recycle websites, eBay, or Craigslist for pre-owned DVD’s and equipment. You’ll be amazed at what you can find on the cheap. Check out community education classes; they’re reasonably priced and usually run for six to eight weeks. Not a expensive or long-term commitment. Many activities don’t cost a thing, except comfortable shoes and clothing. You don’t even have to join a club — just get outside and start walking.
Starting an exercise program? Start small! Don’t say you’re going to win Wimbledon if you haven’t even picked up a racquet yet! Make small goals and make a calendar to keep track of them. Remember to ask yourself: How much, of what, by when. Example: I want to be able to walk three miles in 60 minutes by Labor Day. That’s about two months away. That’s a reasonable goal and a respectable amount of time to achieve this goal. Make a plan, put it on your calendar, and cross it off to show your progress. Seeing your progress makes a difference.
Sign up for 5K (3.1 miles) walk or race. You’ve spent the money for the walk/race fees, now get working towards your goal. Walking or running a race can benefit you in so many ways. Most of the walks/races are hosted by a charity. Choose a charity that is close to you, one that may benefit diabetes, breast cancer, autism, cancer, etc. You can give to a charity and get in better health all in one. Check with your accountant — charity race fees can positively affect your taxes. Some states consider the fees a donation to a charity.
Here is a great article I found on Minnesota’s own world-renowned Mayo Clinic’s website to get you started with a workout plan.
Catch next week’s upcoming article “Body Balance to Help You Balance Your Career.” Getting you started and keeping you fit — one more way to help you stand out above the rest and become the BEST!
— Jill
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