Have you ever wondered the “right” way to ask for something? Whether it’s something small, like (politely) asking a client to make up her damn mind!, or something serious, like getting a business loan, there’s an art to asking in a way that will yield results.
Here, we cover some of the most common nail tech requests and the most effective way to communicate them.
How to Ask a Nail Professional...
To Be Your Mentor:
If you are asking for a relationship beyond a bit of tip-trading, try to get to know the tech first. Ask her for some advice, and feel out whether or not she may be willing to take you on as her student or trainee. Grab coffee or lunch with her and see if your personalities match and are compatible both in a professional way and as friends. If someone is going to be your mentor, it’s important that you both enjoy spending time together.
To Stop Borrowing YourStuff: Approach her calmly and explain that there have been a few occasions where you spend time looking for your own belongings or that you had been saving that last bit of glitter she used for a special client. Whatever the reason, do not attack her. Instead, patiently explain that you’d prefer her to use her own supplies.
How to Ask Clients
To Be More Respectful of Your Business:
Whether it’s requesting a pre-payment for no-shows, demanding chronically late clients to show up on time, or encouraging an indecisive client to make up her mind on color, always approach the situation with sensitivity and respect, even if you feel you have been disrespected. Patiently explain why her lateness or other behavior negatively affects your business, and hopefully she will understand and change her habits. Avoid a negative, aggressive, or condescending tone in order to truly get through to the client. If she doesn’t understand the issue, or if she says she does but continues to repeat the behavior, it might be time to ask her to find another nail tech.
About Their Health Information:
Before beginning a service, ask your client if she has any conditions you should know about. Ask somewhat quietly as some people prefer privacy with this topic, and ask with a smile, as some people get nervous discussing their personal ailments. She may be diabetic, undergoing chemotherapy, or have eczema. You will never know until you ask. Even better, ask all your first-time clients to fill out a written medical questionanaire and update it periodically. Find a sample client consultation form at www.nailsmag.com/handouts.
How To Ask for Serious Business Stuff
Or Help With a Trademark: Getting a trademark gives you exclusive rights to your salon or product name and logo within your industry throughout the country. This means no businesses will be able to imitate yours without legal consent (like franchising). A lawyer will help you through the process, so don’t get too caught up in knowing every single technicality. But do as much research as you can for a good trademark lawyer in your area and prepare before meeting with them. Be sure you will want to keep the name and logo for many years to come. Print out necessary documents and have all the information needed to complete the forms. Especially when dealing with legal matters, portraying yourself in a more professional light will likely improve your experience.
Always respect those you are working with. Politely accept someone’s answer if it is no, and show gratitude when the answer is yes! Simply having a delightful personality can get you far in life.
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