Tell us a bit about yourself and your career.
I have been a nail tech for about 13 years and work at the Cosmopolitan Hotel in Las Vegas. I started working in the hotel salon industry about five years ago; it took some getting used to, but I love it.
What are your health challenges?
I don’t have any health issues besides having endometriosis, which forced me to have a hysterectomy at the age of 27. I have two healthy children, so it’s fine! I have never been overweight, but I’m sure that you’ve heard the term “skinny fat.” One advantage is that it doesn’t necessarily show aesthetically, but I was completely out of shape.
What was/is your plan of action?
I was working at the MGM Spa and there was a Beach Body convention going on. One of their coaches came in for a pedicure. She told me about all of the programs Beach Body has to offer. It was perfect because — I’m not going to lie — I hate going to the gym. I wanted to work out at home. So my husband and I started and completed the P90X program; it kicks your butt in the most amazing way. I have also completed the Insanity workout, and I do the Brazil Butt Lift workouts because I’m all about having an amazing butt! My husband and I have given up beef, so we eat chicken, turkey, some pork, and fish. We juice a lot and I take a protein shake called Skinny Gut after every workout.
What has been your greatest challenge/biggest difficulty with your new healthy lifestyle?
Being a busy nail tech makes it difficult to live a healthy lifestyle. Sometimes your schedule runs over, clients come late, etc., so when you have a second you stuff your face with some chips or anything you can get your hands on. Working in a hotel salon makes it easier for me now because they have grilled chicken, rice, and a lot of healthy choices. It’s a daily challenge to stay on track. I think to myself “I’m tired” or “I’ll do it later.” But it doesn’t work that way. Once I start working out, I feel so much better about my day. My issue in the beginning was learning that I had no upper body strength whatsoever. I thought to myself, I lift feet all day long and I can’t do a pull up or a push up! I still hate doing those exercises, but they need to be done. I have also fallen off the wagon many times because it’s so easy to do. It sets you back, and you have to work 10 times harder to get back to where you were. But you’re rewarded when you get compliments and you look in the mirror and see your body changing.
How long have you been working your “plan” and what has been your result so far? What further health and fitness goals do you have and how do you intend to reach them?
It’s really been more of a lifestyle change than a “plan.” I would love to compete in a fitness or swimsuit competition once before I turn 40, so I have a few years. There are so many competitions here in Vegas and it is so inspiring listening to stories of where the competitors came from and their challenges. To compete, it takes about a year of intense training with a personal trainer and a complete diet makeover.
What are your best fitness tips and advice for other nail techs who need encouragement?
Meal preparation is key. Cook for the week on your day off or the night before. Portion control is a huge factor in living a healthy lifestyle. Don’t starve yourself; give your body what it needs; it’s a complex machine and you want to treat it right. Reward yourself when you make a goal and achieve it. Stay positive and hold yourself accountable.
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